About Us 關於我們
‘Swish’, an animated word for sound, speed and action, is fundamental to Swish Club’s philosophy. Swish – goes the sound of wind,...

60分鐘學會拳腳溝通 MUAY THAI
有些人對運動卻步,皆因總是對這些球、那些棍感到無從入手,難以駕馭。既是如此,唯有動員全身筋骨,進行徹底帶氧運動。如果覺得跑步太單調,游泳不合天時,騷拳弄腿的運動可會是候選? 早前一班讀者應《JMEN》之邀出席Swish Club的泰拳體驗課程。晚上七時半左右來到位於銅鑼灣商廈的S

Get a kick out of keeping fit
Referred to as the “Art of Eight Limbs”, Muay Thai kickboxing is a combat sport in which competitors use eight points of contact-hands, legs

用拳風揮散魅力 MUAY THAI
每個男人大抵都有一個功夫夢。《拳霸》的Tony Jaa使出令人目瞪口呆的正宗泰拳,令很多男人看得熱血沸騰,煥起沉睡多年的功夫夢——上勾拳,掃肘、飛膝,鱷魚擺尾——泰拳的拳拳到肉真是看得人牙癢癢。或許你會嫌自己年紀大、沒潛質,不過Swish Club創辦人Antony說,30多歲來

Love Combat
Get Read Now, Round One, Fight!
He & She Wedding Strapless evening gown in red with crystal beading over the bodice; 3D skirt in A-line

A Thai boxing knockout Women hit back thanks to ex-office worker
It is cold late afternoon and there are no students at the Swish Club. Yolly Leung Pui-shan, Hong Kong’s first female Thai boxing coach, put