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About Us 關於我們

‘Swish’, an animated word for sound, speed and action, is fundamental to Swish Club’s philosophy. Swish – goes the sound of wind, invisible and intangible. Swish – goes the speed of a whip-like Muay Thai kick. Swish – goes a swift, yet significant change of thought that brings life-long impact to your life. We believe the speed and strength of Muay Thai can spark off positive changes in our students. With a professional team of 10 native Thai coaches, we promise to offer the most personalised, effective and fun Muay Thai training in Hong Kong. Carrying the resilient spirit of Muay Thai, Swish Club was founded in May 2003, just after the fatal SARS epidemic. It was first operated as a modest-sized Thai boxing gym in Wanchai with a small number of dedicated students and instructors. Despite the socio-economic challenges, we grew steadily with a fighter’s endurance. In 2004, we opened our second branch in Causeway Bay exclusively for ladies’ training. In 2006, we expanded and relocated our Wanchai branch to a larger venue of 2,000 sq ft. to accommodate the increasing student base. In 2007, we had another expansion and moved to an even more spacious venue of 5,000 sq ft in Causeway Bay – our current location – to cater for both mixed-gender and ladies’ training. Our devotion to social responsibility has brought us the Caring Company Award by the Hong Kong Council of Social Science for four consecutive years between 2005 and 2008. We also received Corporate Partnership Recognition by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for our sustainable community contributions. One of our contributions was offering complimentary or low-cost Muay Thai lessons to the underprivileged. Swish Club caters for students of a wide age range from Hong Kong and all over the world. Among them are TV and film personalities and well-known DJs. Swish Club is also a favourite spot for film and TV shooting.

「Swish」一字描繪聲音、速度及動態,亦是Swish Club 理念的基礎。「Swish」是風聲,無影無形;是泰拳的速度,快如疾風;也意味改寫人生的一念間。


2003 年五月,沙士疫潮剛完結時,我們持著泰拳的刻苦奮鬥精神,創立Swish Club。在灣仔開業初期,我們只是一所小型拳館,師生不多。面對社會及經濟環境挑戰,我們仍以泰拳手的耐力堅持,平穩進步。2004年,我們在銅鑼灣開設分館,專為女仕訓練而設。2006年,我們擴大灣仔拳館的規模,移至2000平方呎的地點,配合不斷增加的學生人數。2007年,我們再次擴充,搬到銅鑼灣現址,拳館佔地5000平方呎, 提供男女及女仕訓練。

我們致力肩負社會責任,更在2005 至2008 年連續四年榮獲香港社會服務聯會「商界展關懷」獎項。此外,東華三院亦表揚我們對社區的持續貢獻,頒發「企業伙伴合作嘉許」。我們的社區服務包括為弱勢社群提供免費或低收費泰拳課堂。

Swish Club的學生來香港及自世界各地,年齡層廣,當中包括影視名人與知名電台主持。Swish Club 亦是受歡迎的電影電視拍攝場地。

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